HITT Contracting 75th Anniversary

BARTKRESA design was hired by Hutchinson Design Group to create projection mapping for the HITT 75th Anniversary Celebration. HITT Contracting Inc. is among the top 100 largest general contractors in the United States. The event took place at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC on September 15, 2012 company: HITT Contracting Inc. event producer: Kyle Hutchinson and John Parker of Hutchinson Design Group projection: BARTKRESA design creative direction: Kyle Hutchinson, John Parker, Bart Kresa, Greg Lindy projection design: Bart Kresa graphic design: Lukasz Cwiek, Vincent Rogozyk, Adam Sujka, Kevin Tonkin, Akira Wakui, Beata Wozniak animation: Vincent Rogozyk, Kevin Tonkin 3D animation: Kevin Tonkin Watchout server programming: Bart Kresa Video Projection Technology: Event EQ Spyder Operator: Phil Bristol

an EventEQ Production

Client: HITT Contracting in conjunction with Hutchinson Design Group

Projection Design: BARTKESA

Lighting Design: Atmosphere Lighting 


EventEQ designed and delivered a complete 3D Projection Mapping system in addition to providing audio support for headline entertainment.

Video: A seamless 62‘x93’ edge blended projection, mapped to the contours of the Reynolds Center at the National Portrait Gallery using 9 20K HD projectors, a Spyder X20 switcher, and 5 WATCHOUT engines. The content, by BARTKESA Design, was custom created to highlight the buildings architecture while illustrating a buildings construction.

Audio: Reinforcement of program to support various speakers and entertainment including Kool and the Gang.